Forbes magazine regularly runs an article on billionaires. Maybe, like me today, many of you have no desire to be a billionaire. But that shouldn’t stop us from learning what made them financially successful. Learning From Billionaires As we glean at the record of thousands of billionaires, we get some interesting observations. Some of the […]
“Success is neither magical or mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.” – Jim Rohn There is this one Super Bowl I remember which I believe illustrates the importance of fundamentals and preparation for small law firm owners. It’s Sunday, the 1st of February and everyone is watching. The Patriot […]
We don’t usually relate law with entrepreneurship. But as competition in the legal industry becomes more fierce, having an “entrepreneurial attorney mindset” becomes essential in growing a law firm and ensuring your business success. Why is this concept of an entrepreneurial attorney not talked about before? Why should an attorney running his solo law firm […]
Despite our best efforts to keep clients during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, some law firms may experience a downturn and a loss of clients. Some may be out of work due to stay-at-home orders and unable to afford your services. Litigation, divorces and other court cases might be put on hold. And sadly, just from […]
The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting stay-at-home orders have radically changed the way many of us run our law firms. A few months ago, many attorneys wouldn’t have imagined the idea of having the staff work from home; now, it’s become the new normal, at least for now. That said, it’s not a perfect system. […]
We previously began discussing the idea of “unconscious beliefs”—those beliefs we often form early in life that now run in the background and affect our choices and our approach to life and business. From the standpoint of business, these unconscious beliefs can actually impose limitations on how much success we achieve. To that end, I’d […]
“Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.” –Earl Nightingale The business principles I teach to lawyers have the potential to create unlimited growth—at least, in theory. But as you move forward, at some point you may find yourself hitting a plateau—a threshold you […]
“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.” –overused trite saying Yes, I went there. In running our law firms, we all have points of frustration—“pet peeves” or repeated annoying occurrences that feel to us like fingernails running across a chalkboard. Maybe it’s an associate who repeatedly drops the ball. Perhaps it’s a client who pays […]
One of the key traits of our evolution as humans—that which sets us apart from the other animals—is our ability to ask questions. Most of our educational structures are based on question-and-answer. Asking questions helps us learn about the world around us, solve problems and obtain key information. No one understands this concept better than […]
When you open your own law firm, especially when you’re starting out, two things generally happen. First, since you’ve never done this before, you’re going to be hungry and open to any input that promises to help you succeed. That input may include books, workshops, coaching, and advice from others in the field. Second, because […]
The end of the year can a key time for firms like yours to evaluate past performance and set new goals for the upcoming year. It matters even more because we’re coming up on a new decade, not just a new year. To keep your law firm on the path toward success, you should be […]
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