How often does your staff create distractions with an avalanche of finger-pointing and accusations? “He said” this and “she did” that and “I don't know anything about this” are expressions that pop up. If you hear these types of phrases occasionally, it's normal and controllable. But if these expressions occur regularly over time, you may be a party to workplace drama. As the leader of your practice, it's up to you to cut off this behavior as it ramps up because frequent incidences are not only bad for your organization's health but can cost you in dollars and cents. When this goes unchecked, trust decreases, gossip increases, and, of course, productivity plummets. The cost of the lost productivity is huge, and over time, takes a major toll. It's important to realize that the subject of this workplace drama is often not what the bickering or finger-pointing is about. The outward conversation may be symptomatic of something deeper and potentially more damaging. Good leaders know how to ask the right questions and get to the heart of the issue. After doing this, they may need to referee, mediate, or otherwise interfere to stop the drama. At times this can be painful, but it's much more painful than doing nothing. Walk-around-management If leaders are ignorant about internal strife then they are not doing an important part of their job, which is to walk around and take the pulse and temperature of their staff. It's your job to do this; you're not supposed to stay in your office with the door closed and assume that everything is going well. This is more than “management by walking around”. It involves concentrated powers of observation and a willingness to discover and deal with something that may not be so pleasant. Has drama crept into your practice? If it's slipping into your culture, you know what you need to do. If you have no idea, take some time to walk around, listen and pay attention to take the pulse. Create a staff team that blows the doors off! Your Staff Trained is a new staff training program we offer. Learn how you and your staff can benefit. Watch this webinar to find out how I can help you lift your firm to fantastic new heights. Building a better business, one drama-free workplace at a time.
Richard James
As a result of his track record for achieving what most describe as “phenomenal” growth rates for his clients, Richard James, CEO of Automated Business Results, LLC, is quickly gaining a national reputation as “the Legal Systems Expert.” His secret to success is simple. Richard has devised a seven step system for designing and implementing automated marketing systems that grow your business FAST. If you’re looking to develop a practice that supports your lifestyle rather than completely undermining it, call Richard James today.