Remember those days….
Maybe it was that time in the school year when you felt like there was nothing to look forward to? It was winter. The fun holiday season was past and it seemed like the gray skies and cold weather was never going to end. Plus, you were into the meat of the school year and EVERYTHING seemed like too much WORK!
The only escape you could think of was a day on the couch with an afghan and a Cup ‘O Soup!
Maybe you are having those same kind of doldrums attacking your enthusiasm to work in your firm. You could be living a case of burn-out. But, there's no time to be burned out when YOU are the leader AND the magic in your practice.
Fight burnout with these simple survival tactics
You know the symptoms: You don’t care about your work anymore, you dread going to your job every day, you’re no longer motivated to do your best, and your relationships with your staff is deteriorating. If you’re suffering from job burnout, you owe it to your staff, your clients, and ultimately yourself to find a solution. Here are some ideas to explore:
• Take time for yourself. Devote part of your day to things that really matter to you personally instead of obsessing about work all the time. A regular break can replenish your energy.
• Rediscover your passion. Think about what really got you excited when you began your career. Does it still fire you up? Look for ways to bring that spark back into your firm and your life.
• Seek support. Talk to your family, friends, and trusted colleagues about what’s going on. They’ll offer ideas and support, and you won’t feel as isolated and ignored.
If you need help reigniting the fire that existed when you began your firm, take a moment to send for my free book: Discover The Acres of Diamonds in Your Law Firm. You may learn some nuggets that will help you pivot in a new direction, a new path that can rekindle that flame.
Visit and tell me to send you the book. Be sure to note the free offer at the back that will allow us to speak, one-on-one about you AND your firm.
Rekindling the burn-out in business owners, one practice at a time.

Richard James
As a result of his track record for achieving what most describe as “phenomenal” growth rates for his clients, Richard James, CEO of Automated Business Results, LLC, is quickly gaining a national reputation as “the Legal Systems Expert.” His secret to success is simple. Richard has devised a seven step system for designing and implementing automated marketing systems that grow your business FAST. If you’re looking to develop a practice that supports your lifestyle rather than completely undermining it, call Richard James today.