When is the last time you looked at your practice with fresh eyes?
Too often, we lose sight of the little things that really matter when it comes to making a great first impression. If you have been running your practice for a while or you are just getting started, paying attention to the little things can have big impact on your conversions.
One of the things I instruct my clients to do is micromanage the client experience in their businesses. Think of it this way. Perhaps this has happened in your home. Someone accidentally drops something on your tile floor and a corner of one of the tiles gets chipped. At first, every single time you walk by that tile, you notice the chip and think to yourself that you need to have a flooring professional come out and replace that tile. Then as life gets in the way, and you fail to make that call, you find that that chip becomes part of the landscape and you only notice it occasionally. Before you know it, you don’t think about it or notice it all.
The problem with this is that while the chipped tile no longer is a distraction to you, it’s likely that new visitors or those who visit only a few times a year for holidays, etc. notice it right away. Luckily, most friends and family who visit your home aren’t going to turn around and hightail it out of your home because you have a chip in your tile.
However, when it comes to your practice, you have only one opportunity to make a first impression. You may not have that chipped tile in your practice, but it’s possible you have other distractions that could affect your prospects impression of you and your firm.
Some of these distractions could be: tattered magazines in your waiting room; dated furniture; candy dishes that are empty or worse, process-oriented tools that are either forgotten or out of date. This is when you might want to have a secret shopper visit your firm or an unbiased colleague or friend to help out with this.
Take the time to review the experience your clients receive when they enter your domain. From parking outside to navigating the building to your office to the moment they walk in the door. (Suggested addition: A receptionist that cannot greet with a warm smile and make them feel comfortable does not belong out front.)
Perhaps everything is still working for you, but reviewing your clients’ experience may unearth opportunities for new ways of doing the same things. While many of these details may not be earthshaking, if you are able to impress even 5 or 10% more of your clients in a more profound way that leads to them hiring your firm, it’s completely worth it.
Building a better practice, one set of fresh eyes at a time.
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Richard James
As a result of his track record for achieving what most describe as “phenomenal” growth rates for his clients, Richard James, CEO of Automated Business Results, LLC, is quickly gaining a national reputation as “the Legal Systems Expert.” His secret to success is simple. Richard has devised a seven step system for designing and implementing automated marketing systems that grow your business FAST. If you’re looking to develop a practice that supports your lifestyle rather than completely undermining it, call Richard James today.