taking action Archives | Richard James

Tag : taking action

10 Life Changing Reasons to Join a Mastermind Group

Mar 21, 2016

If you own your own law firm, you already know that being in business can be a lonely prospect. Joining a Mastermind Group can help with that, but there are many more reasons to become a part of a strong mastermind group than simply helping with the solitude. Not only will you challenge yourself personally […]

The Winning Entrepreneur does what Others Won’t

Nov 9, 2015

As an entrepreneur, when you have successfully created five different $1 million businesses in four different industries in the span of 26 years, you paid your dues and earned the right to tell the story of how you did it. Each one was created differently but the one thing that was common among the first […]

Are you managing your emails or are your emails managing you?

Jul 4, 2015

After a morning of being away from emails and you return to an inbox loaded up with 50 emails, what do you do? Are you: The beaver—You see the email mountain and know the only appropriate thing to do is to attack it diligently and completely. As a busy little guy, you do not return […]

Have I got a SHOCK for you!

May 19, 2015

When talking about direct mail, a favorite (and effective) tactic cannot be missed: the Shock and Awe package. Image that it’s Christmastime for your prospects. They are in the dating phase, and you are flirting. They have heard of you, they have done something to raise their hand and say: Tell me more. Yet, they […]

Three Ways to Use Direct Mail as a Pattern Interrupt to the Electronic Age

Feb 23, 2015

It takes no more than a mere walk into any restaurant to see the effect of the electronic age on all of us. Every booth or table will undoubtedly reflect at least one or more of the guests head bent, hand up near face with one thumb skipping along the screen of a smart phone. […]

Is your law firm hungry for leads? It’s time to feed it…

Jan 8, 2015

In many civilizations, the people believed there were living powers that controlled their well being. If the Gods were pleased, rain came to nourish the crops and sunshine came to make everything grow. In order to keep the Gods happy, varieties of sacrifices were made as gifts. Your law firm is the entity that you […]

Planning is a Not-So-Secret Weapon for Success

Sep 25, 2014

Did you ever notice that almost every training session you attend about being successful begins with a phrase that says something about making a plan or planning? Plans are necessary tools for creating the kind of success that grows, evolves and creates new opportunities for growth, no doubt about it. Yet, many entrepreneurs fall into […]

Writing YOUR book creates a lead magnet for your business!

Sep 4, 2014

One of the suggestions we make when counseling law firm owners is that they have a strong marketing funnel in place. Our strongest recommendation urges those owners to write a book to help them become established as a celebrity or expert in their practice area. The lead magnet book offers opportunities far too numerous to […]

Sometimes your best diamond miner is a writer…

Jun 5, 2014

As you expand your firm and continue to produce organic leads and referral generating vehicles such as a blog, social media, newsletters and nurturing emails, it’s likely you will want to work with a copywriter. Maybe you are a person that likes to write, and that’s fine; you can write your own copy. But here’s […]

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