Among the many marketing tools law firms have available to them, the company website is perhaps the most misunderstood—and therefore neglected. Attorneys often treat their website as a static entity—something they have just because they’re “supposed” to have a site. This is highly unfortunate because these lawyers don’t realize they’re sitting on a potential gold mine.
As with many aspects of marketing, content is king when it comes to the website. When properly structured and populated with sparkling content, your website could become a passive lead generation machine, generating thousands of dollars a year in new business. Let’s explore some tips for helping you realize your website’s full potential.
Write for People with A.D.D.
It’s not to sound demeaning—the fact is we all have a bit of attention deficit disorder when it comes to reading websites (as opposed to books, magazines or brochures). According to the Nielsen Norman Group, you really only have about 10 seconds to capture a reader’s attention; most click away within 20 seconds. Some marketing groups even put the threshold at 5-7 seconds. In that span of time, your site should let visitors know who you are, what you’re about and what you can do for them. Some ways to convey this information quickly and effectively:
- Put the most important information near the top. (They should see everything they need to know without having to scroll.)
- Write in short, concise sentences. Make it easy to read.
- Focus on headlines, sub-headlines and bullet points. Assume the reader is scanning your document; your headings need to capture their imagination in order to get them to read further.
Make the Content Informative, Helpful and Relevant
For readers who want to know more about you )for example, those who will click to your other pages or your blog), provide well-written content that is both relevant and helpful: Be concrete as to what you can do for the client. Don’t “give away the store” here, but give them enough to let them know you are an authority in your field and can help with a client’s problems. Educate your clients more thoroughly on what you do and why they need you.
Tell Them What to Do Next
The visitor has stayed on your page and read your content. Great! Now what? Your goal is to turn this person into a lead, and ultimately a client—but they won’t take the next step unless you ask them. Always include some sort of call to action on the page, whether it’s to call the office for more information, download a free report, set an appointment, whatever. Get the visitor engaged by urging them to take the next step in the process.
Hire a Copywriter, if Necessary
Many attorneys either don’t have the time or skill to write stellar marketing copy for their websites or other materials. If you’re one of those busy attorneys, don’t think twice about hiring a professional to do it for you. Your website content is too valuable a marketing tool to treat it lightly, and the investment will come back to you many times over.
These general tips will at least get you started on the path to turning your law firm website into a lead generator—but of course, there are more specific strategies that can improve the process exponentially. To learn more, call us today at (888) 207-2869.
Richard James
As a result of his track record for achieving what most describe as “phenomenal” growth rates for his clients, Richard James, CEO of Automated Business Results, LLC, is quickly gaining a national reputation as “the Legal Systems Expert.” His secret to success is simple. Richard has devised a seven step system for designing and implementing automated marketing systems that grow your business FAST. If you’re looking to develop a practice that supports your lifestyle rather than completely undermining it, call Richard James today.