Wondering why your law firm isn't growing?

Wondering why your law firm isn’t growing? Get organized.

Ever walk into a hardware store and ask for a specific little washer? In seconds, you are led to a cataloged, organized bin of tiny drawers with every weight and size of washer in the world. Imagine being led to a giant box full of loose washers? How useful would THAT be?

Not at all.

If your general office space is a mess—unorganized and cluttered, you are going to find it challenging to get things done, much less grow. Finding data is impossible in this environment and the message it sends your staff and more importantly, your clients, is that you just don’t care.

Solving this problem as a part of your law firm management quest is not negotiable, and going paperless is not going to solve it. Storing files electronically will be the same situation, just virtual. If you are a mess with your paper files, you are going to be a mess with your paperless files. If you are going to run an efficient, well-oiled, well-organized machine, you need to have an organized, structured rules system of how your office operates and how paper goes in your office.

Here are some basic rules about filing systems.

  • Identify the filing cabinet.
  • Have a sign-in, sign-out file so that when someone takes a file, they must sign it out. If someone is looking for that file, you know whom to look for to get it.
  • Assign the task to someone to monitor the files at the end of the week.

My Grandmother always told me: “Honey, everything has a home, and you have to put your stuff back in its home. Your shoes should go in the closet, and your clothes should go on a hanger.” If you are not doing that stuff with your files and you are the biggest offender of that, everyone is going to follow suit.

Check YOUR habits. If you’ve got 25 files open on your desk, it means you aren’t focused and are breaking the rules. You can’t work on 25 files at once. Work on a file, bring it to a close and then make the notes you have to; but then put the file down and delegate to your assistant to put it away.

If you fail to follow the rules, your office staff isn’t going to follow the rules either. This isn’t a complicated rule, but it’s an important one. If you are doing everything right yet are getting this part wrong, it’s going to break the ability of you AND your staff to work at the optimum level. Get organized! It’s a primary function of management.

Getting all of your ducks in a row can be a challenge, especially if you aren't sure how many ducks you have or which are out of line. Find out how your law firm measures up. Visit my website and take the law firm analysis to find out where YOUR firm is on the spectrum.

Richard James

As a result of his track record for achieving what most describe as “phenomenal” growth rates for his clients, Richard James, CEO of Automated Business Results, LLC, is quickly gaining a national reputation as “the Legal Systems Expert.” His secret to success is simple. Richard has devised a seven step system for designing and implementing automated marketing systems that grow your business FAST. If you’re looking to develop a practice that supports your lifestyle rather than completely undermining it, call Richard James today.

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