Your Law Firm Secret | Gilbert, AZ

Are You One Step From Moving A Couch Into Your Office?

If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, working 8 AM to 10 PM every night and not getting the results you want, then this book is for you.

All I wanted was the ability to take Saturday's off, but what I received was a practice that is run by systems, measured by numbers, and an increase in filings by more than 100%. Oh yea, I can take Saturday's off too.

Attorney Jamie Miller, Milwaukee, WI

For a Limited Time, the First 197 Entrepreneurial Attorneys Can Claim a Free Copy of The Attorneys Guide to Personal and Financial Freedom

What Attorneys Are Saying:

Attorney Jamie Miller, Milwaukee, WI

“Rich has a way of kind of really listening to what your needs are and before Rich kind of recommended a direction for me, he spent a lot of time figuring out where I wanted to go with the business, what my why was for the business and then we tailored a program that worked for me. And you end up seeing a lot of lawyers that aren’t necessarily happy with what they are doing, or their practice is starting to head in a direction that they don’t want it to head and Rich helped me to think about that and to take the firm in a direction where I wanted it to go. So when I see lawyers that are confused or not happy, I really think about Rich and the opportunities that he’s given to me and let’s not forget the great law firm marketing advice I have received.”

Attorney Maria Jones, Phoenix, AZ

“The key to my success is paying detailed attention to outbound calls. This is the first time for the people to hear the voice of the law firm. And when you build the trustful relationship with the prospect, you have to be successful. Without Rich I would never be where I am right now nor would I have the success I have. The system and legal marketing advice I have received is invaluable.”

Attorney Tom McBride, Alexandria, LA

“I’ve been working with Richard James now for 7 months. We had about 38% of the business in our area when we started and since then we’ve been averaging about 49% of the business with not any more work, just smarter work, better systems. I’ve learned ways to motivate the staff. Their workload, everything is smoother. We’ve learned how to make our clients happier, get more referrals. Just a better atmosphere at the office. Everyone is happier, smiling, just with some simple little systems and techniques.”

Take A Glimpse Inside The Book

A SIMPLE yet effective law firm marketing tool that will allow you to leap frog your competition. While they are falling behind, your legal marketing has your law firm soaring.

4 Important Tips You’ll Learn

  • 1. Cut through the clutter and start taking action today to immediately increase your net income.
  • 2. The “Secret Sauce” that runs through every successful law firm and how you can duplicate it in your practice.
  • 3. The 7 Key Performance Indicators that you should monitor to insure your practice is headed in the direction you want.
  • 4. Great legal marketing advice for your law firm to grow and prosper through modern law firm marketing techniques.

About The Author

Richard James, Founder and President of Your Practice Mastered, LLC, has earned a reputation as a national “Legal Systems Expert.”

He built a consumer law firm in Arizona from zero to over $3.5 million in annual sales in just over two years. His legacy also includes a career of building businesses in five different industries bringing his proven formula to each to achieve success.

His success ingredient is simple: systems. Richard believes that systems should run your law firm and people should run your systems.

Richard has devised a process for helping attorneys build a practice that supports their lifestyle, not undermines it. Richard passion is to work with like-minded Entrepreneurial Attorneys, who want to take action to build the systems they create together to obtain, real, measurable results.

For a Limited Time, the First 197 Entrepreneurial Attorneys Can Claim a Free Copy of The Attorneys Guide to Personal and Financial Freedom

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