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“Richard James presents a really compelling message – Measure everything! I’ve never had a clue on how to do that, and he’s really helped me move toward that direction. I can tell you a lot of assumptions that I had in the past were not correct, and some of the stuff that is working is actually working even better than I thought it was. So we’re going to focus on those successes and build from there. I would say Rich is incredible. Learning from him, it’s like drinking from a fire hydrant. All these ideas, they’re fantastic. Sometimes there are so many; it’s hard to absorb all at once. I guess that’s good, I’ll be hanging around Richard James and his team for a long time.”

Jeff Kelly, Rome

About Richard James

Richard is first and foremost a Christian businessman whose priorities in life are God first, family second and business third. Richard is a man who believes there’s a right way to do things. And those things must be done right to maximize results in your business.

As a result of building a living breathing law firm with his own two hands from $0 in gross sales to $3.5 million in just under two and half years. Richard has devised a step by step system for designing and implementing automated marketing and legal business systems that build your law firm on a foundation of concrete rather than quicksand.

Richard is a seasoned entrepreneur who, during his 20 years in four different industries, mastered the ability to automate systems and allowed him to run his businesses nearly on auto-pilot. His proprietary systems achieve specific and clear objectives: massive lead generation, meticulous lead tracking throughout the entire conversion process, management by report and predictable profit margin growth. Colleagues accuse him of begin obsessed with business metrics and regard him for his ability to “use metrics to create law firm miracles.”

Richard’s goal is to work with as many like-minded entrepreneurial attorneys who want to take action on ideas to get real, measurable results.

If you are looking for someone who believes in doing things right, having full accountability and backs it up with action that actually gets results you should learn more about Richard and start working towards what you’re really after…your freedom.

If you’re looking to develop a law practice that supports your lifestyle rather than completely undermining it, you have come to the right place.


Schedule your free meeting with your law firm analyst today and build a system specific to your practice area!


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attorneys guide to personal and financial freedom book

Stop struggling and start claiming your freedom today!

The Attorney's Guide to Personal & Financial Freedom