Your Practice
Mastered™ Toolkit
Train yourself in the fundamentals of successful law firm ownership in this 12-module educational tool created by an expert with over 30+ years of entrepreneurial experience and 10 years in attorney consulting. Access videos, audio files, transcripts, and other training materials for law practice management at your own pace!
Law Practice Management Program For Attorneys
Wouldn’t it be great to kill the learning curve?
Richard James has taken his 30+years as an entrepreneur and 10+years working with attorneys like you. This program is designed to meet you where you are so you can pick and choose what applies to you at that moment. We believe it makes more sense to let you work at your own pace rather than forcing you through a predetermined path. The Toolkit itself provides access to the membership site which includes 12 modules with videos, audio files, and transcripts that cover the fundamentals of successful law firm ownership. You will also learn about the PCLC™, a lead conversion machine that will ensure your prospects become clients!
Overview of all 12 Modules in Your Practice Mastered™ Toolkit

Module 1: Lead Conversion
What You Will Learn: Richard will cover Your Perfect Client Life Cycle™ and the power it provides for the savvy law firm. In this Module, we will be going over lead conversion, which is the art of and science of converting your leads into clients. This is one of the most important modules of Your Practice Mastered™ toolkit.
What's Included In This Module:
- 9 videos (02:30:42)
- 10 audio files
- 1 Module Workbook (81 pages)

Module 2: Time Management
What You Will Learn: Richard reveals how to set goals in your law practice management, value your time, get more out of each day, train your clients, and most importantly, keep it simple. Systems Run Your Law Firm and People Run Your Systems™ can help effectively manage your firm!
What's Included In This Module:
- 7 videos (01:54:57)
- 8 audio files
- 1 Module Workbook (107 pages)

Module 3: Maximizing Cashflow
What You Will Learn: Cashflow is the oxygen of your business. Basic bookkeeping may not sound like fun, but Richard James shows you just how important the basics are to building the practice of their dreams. You will discover why you need a bookkeeper, how to improve your service pricing model, and the art of getting paid.
What's Included In This Module:
- 4 videos (01:03:21)
- 5 audio files
- 1 Module Workbook (54 pages)

Module 4: Law Firm Marketing
What You Will Learn: There is no more important skill when owning your own business than understanding how to make the phone ring. In this module, Richard will show you how to develop a Unique Competitive Advantage, reveal the power of marketing like a “specialist”, provide you a step by step guide to building a 12-month marketing plan, and the power of a marketing automation system.
What's Included In This Module:
- 7 videos (03:46:44)
- 6 audio files
- Module Workbook (49 pages)

Module 5: Lead Generation
What You Will Learn: In this section, Richard reveals his secrets to building a Lead Generation Machine as part of your law practice management. That is a system that produces leads in an automatic, repeatable, and predictable manner.
What's Included In This Module:
- 7 videos (01:12:24)
- 7 audio files
- 1 Module Workbook (50 pages)

Module 6: Demystifying Radio & TV
What You Will Learn: If you thought TV and Radio were out of your reach, think again! Richard sheds light on industry myths regarding TV and radio advertising and provides a formula to produce the most leads at a fraction of the cost most attorneys assume it costs.
What's Included In This Module:
- 7 videos (01:22:45)
- 8 audio files
- 1 Module Workbook (55 pages)

Module 7: Referral Culture
What You Will Learn: There is little more important to the success of a law firm than referrals. Richard shows you step by step the best ways to maximize referrals from both clients and allied service professionals.
What's Included In This Module:
- 6 videos (01:21:51)
- 7 audio files
- 1 Module Workbook (63 pages)

Module 8: Internet Marketing
What You Will Learn: Think internet marketing is a mystery? Richard keeps it simple and reveals timeless law practice management strategies to improve your overall internet marketing experience. Action Kills Fear™ will teach you how to take advantage of the internet and promote your firm.
What's Included In This Module:
- 9 videos (01:58:26)
- 6 audio files
- 1 Module Workbook (49 pages)

Module 9: Management Part 1
What You Will Learn: Does it feel like managing your team is somewhat like herding kittens? Richard, in this two-part series, has developed a renegade like program forged from decades of employing and leading hundreds of team members. This is Part 1 of 2.
What's Included In This Module:
- 5 videos (02:13:05)
- 6 audio files
- 1 Module Workbook (65 pages)

Module 10: Management Part 2
What You Will Learn: Does it feel like managing your team is somewhat like herding kittens? Richard, in this two-part series, has developed a renegade like program forged from decades of employing and leading hundreds of team members. This is Part 2 of 2.
What's Included In This Module:
- 6 videos (01:31:12)
- 7 audio files
- 1 Module Workbook (65 pages)

Module 11: Trust-Based Marketing
What You Will Learn: If you think video is something you can take for granted, or is only used on your website, think again! Richard shares with you the best practices when creating video, and shows you exactly where and when you can use video in your marketing efforts.
What's Included In This Module:
- 6 videos (01:18:41)
- 7 audio files
- 1 Module Workbook (51 pages)

Module 12: KPI and Overview
What You Will Learn: In this Module, we will be covering Key Performance Indicators in law practice management and how you can use them to measure everything in your business.
What's Included In This Module:
- 8 videos (01:25:38)
- 8 audio files
- 1 Module Workbook (58 pages)
Attorney George McCranie and Danielle
George, a criminal defense attorney, and his wife Danielle are running their own law practice in Douglas Georgia. They were facing several organizational issues and are concerned about their firm's growth. Working with Richard James, gave them training on how to delegate tasks and work as business partners. As Danielle shared: “I no longer feel like I'm alone in the business because I have this whole team…”
I began with just getting the basic lead sources and tracking my numbers. Once I started that, I started understanding I had some control of my life. That I could control where I could get marketing, where I could get leads, and how I could bring new people in. Then it all became easier for me.
I was in a larger firm than I have now, we were not profitable, I was losing my mind and really looking for a way to grow sensibly and to keep my sanity. We’re not quite there yet, but we’re not insane anymore. I don’t work all weekend, we’re turning a profit, we’ve shrank and then grown again in a way that makes sense for my practice, and I sleep at night.
My first impression was ‘Why did it take me so long to do this?'. And I was really excited about all of the stuff that we’ve learned. There were things that we could employ right away, things that we could work toward. Setting goals has always been important to me, but this has given us the systems to put in place so that we could accomplish those goals that we’ve set.
I actually didn’t know I needed it. But I’ve been able to shorten the client lifecycle. Increase my profits. I finally try to pay attention to expenses. I just never did. There was enough money coming in so I’d throw money at everything, and now I realize that’s taking away from my profits. Basically I’m learning about how to look at the numbers.
On Richard, it was someone who is on fire about making stuff happen and that wants to see things happen, want to help the people around him make things happen. I was worried about whether I was going to be able to make my monthly nut. Worried about how I was going to process these cases, and I was taking a lot of cases that I did not want, but because I needed the revenue from those cases to keep myself afloat and to pay my bills for that month.<br>I have two to three months of expenses in savings. I have new staff that I'm bringing in and that are ready and trained, and that are able to take what we have from Richard James and other stuff that we developed on our own and swipe and deploy and put in place. Also, I'm able to turn away the cases that I want, not only because they were outside of my practice area, but even cases that are within my practice area, but I can tell it's going to be a difficult client. I have the freedom to turn them away.
The first time I met Richard, first time I came out one of these events, what really struck me was his force of personality. Richard very clearly knows his material forwards and backwards, and he's enthusiastic about what he's doing. He genuinely does want to help people grow their practices, and I found that he knows exactly what he's talking about. Everything he said is correct. Before I started the Partner's Club it was very heavily week to week, I think is probably the best way of putting it.<br>We had very scattered advertising efforts. There were things that I specifically did not want to do because I thought they were silly or that they didn't work, and after joining Partner's Club, and a little bit more of the concept of you need to script things out, you need to be willing to try these things, you need to put tracking numbers on it so you know where your money is going. It's really helped us go from week to week to, certainly, we're still a little bit month to month, but that's because there was a big investment on setting the systems up, but there's a lot to be optimistic about right now and I'm very happy with the way things have gone.