Arizona Immigration Attorney: Maria Jones Celebrates Law

Arizona Immigration Atty. Maria Jones Celebrates Law Firm’s Wild Success

She Credits Coach Richard James for Legal Marketing Guidance

Arizona Immigration Attorney Maria Jones is known for building the busiest and most successful immigration law firm in Phoenix, Arizona. An immigrant herself, she had much to learn about law and about running a law firm. The one secret ingredient to her wild success is her decision to work with Legal Marketing Coach Richard James.

Her Greatest Lesson

To sum up the greatest lesson Rich taught her, Maria easily answers that with one simple word: Systems. From understanding lead generation and lead conversion systems to dissecting and developing systems to run every single department of her firm, Maria repeats the words of her mentor Rich in saying: “Without systems in place, you cannot have a business that works.”

She says Maria Jones Law Firm is really two different firms: “Before working with Rich” and “After working with Rich”. After graduating from law school, she had no idea about marketing, systems, or anything. If asked: What is a lead?” her answer would have been: “What’s that?” She had no clue about unconverted leads or why they are important to address.

Today, Maria knows exactly what leads are and how valuable unconverted leads are to her growth. She says it has been critical for her to learn the different marketing strategies used to turn leads into hires. Since nailing this part of running her firm, she has turned a firm from a couple of employees to a team of more than 40. Maria Jones Law Firm is a conversion machine!

Working with Legal Marketing Expert Richard James has transformed Maria Jones Law Firm. She has had many absolutely fulfilling lessons in learning how to run her law firm business, different marketing strategies and how to implement them. These discussions have driven her to be even more successful, month after month, each and every year. Hiring a legal marketing coach—particularly Richard James—was the single wisest decision Maria says she ever made with regards to her firm

“Hire Rich”

“I would say it is silly for attorneys who want to be successful in their practices NOT to hire Rich.”

Having no formal business training, Maria firmly believes her success would have been a long road without Rich’s expertise and guidance.

“I always knew I would be successful because I knew to treat my firm like a business. Yet Rich taught me exactly WHAT I should be doing to get it done.”

The most important thing I would say is: “Hire Rich, your life will be so much easier, trust me.

Law Firms who don’t do this, Will Struggle to Succeed

Maria Jones has implemented many of Rich’s different strategies to which she attributes her success. There is one in particular that she claims is her key to great stick-a-bility (as Rich refers to it) with her prospects and that is outbound calling.

“I learned outbound calls are very important because it’s the first time your leads speak to the law firm—especially those leads that have found you online or by chat.”

From tactics for creating the right scripts for staff to training for the call staff, Rich taught us the correct kind of language to use and how to use it. When we call to remind or reschedule, we build a relationship.

Maria says, “Build trust with each lead with each phone call, and success follows. Rich has taught me to create a trusting relationship with my leads. The result is more hires, fewer missed appointments and fewer leads falling to the wayside.”

Systems are number one, especially outbound calling systems, but they are nothing without the right people to run them.

Richard James

As a result of his track record for achieving what most describe as “phenomenal” growth rates for his clients, Richard James, CEO of Automated Business Results, LLC, is quickly gaining a national reputation as “the Legal Systems Expert.” His secret to success is simple. Richard has devised a seven step system for designing and implementing automated marketing systems that grow your business FAST. If you’re looking to develop a practice that supports your lifestyle rather than completely undermining it, call Richard James today.

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