Couldn’t you just SCREAM when you find out someone you know has hired someone else?
Whether it is your office mate or a parent of one of your kids, it is difficult NOT to feel betrayed when this happens.
It’s likely you never actually ASKED for their business and it can be awkward to do that. I want to give you a few easy ways to make this a more natural and frequent occurrence.
Keep these five simple ways at the forefront to let EVERYONE know you want to serve them.
- Make sure everyone knows what your business does. One very easy way to open this door is to ask them for their help. While you are connecting at a school function or at lunch, ask for permission to get their opinion on your book or your latest marketing tactic. Tell them you want some feedback and see if you can send them a copy to get their take on it. Be sure to thank them after they send you their thoughts with a nice note.
- Pave the way for people you know to refer you. Be sure to let them know you appreciate referrals with a mailing or something thoughtful. If they ask how they can help, get some copies of your book into their hands so they can pass it on to those who need your services.
- When you are out and about, ask for permission to send your newsletter to them. You certainly do not want to take a fun event and turn it into a business meeting but just collect their email or get their business card.
- Begin sending birthday, anniversary or holiday cards to everyone on your list. When you do, you are reminding your contacts about what you do on a regular basis so they will know to ask you when someone you know needs your services.
- Read my book Discover The Acres of Diamonds in Your Law Firm. Enormous help lies within its pages and scores of ways to make your law firm work better to bring more business.
In the meantime, learn more by watching this webinar. You will learn these tactics and more.
Richard James
As a result of his track record for achieving what most describe as “phenomenal” growth rates for his clients, Richard James, CEO of Automated Business Results, LLC, is quickly gaining a national reputation as “the Legal Systems Expert.” His secret to success is simple. Richard has devised a seven step system for designing and implementing automated marketing systems that grow your business FAST. If you’re looking to develop a practice that supports your lifestyle rather than completely undermining it, call Richard James today.