A Retirement Plan at age 60 WITH a flourishing law firm!
For 15 years, I have run my law practice one way—I was the lawyer, the operations manager, the legal assistant, the paralegal and just about every other role in my law firm. Despite my hard work, my practice was stagnant because I was relying on the same book of business and generating the same gross revenue—give or take 20 percent—year after year. I knew something had to change.
Knowing WHAT to change, how to make the change and how to run things in a new way—were things I knew had to happen—but I just didn’t know where to begin and I didn’t know where to turn to find out.
When I first met Rich, I wasn’t ready to really “hear” his message. Bad move. It wasn’t until I backed into Rich again more recently that I was able to hear him in a new way. His words finally spoke to me, and I was fully ready to hear them.
Richard James has decades of business experience and he has taken that experience and knowledge of small business and marketing and has developed a system of teaching attorneys that works miracles with law firms.
About a year ago, I joined Rich’s mastermind group and began learning alongside attorneys from all over the country. I have access to hundreds of years of experience, and trial and error methods through the mastermind group of attorneys who take their law practices seriously. My work with Rich, my exposure to these bright colleagues and my burn to build a burgeoning practice has helped me begin to lay the first bricks of a solid foundation of groundwork.
At first, there were two ways my prospects found me–referrals and my website. Neither method was very reliable. I didn’t know HOW to do referrals. When I got them, I was pleased. I had no idea that Richard’s system is designed to yield referrals purposefully and could not only keep them coming but could also increase them.
I have discovered how to improve online lead sources and Richard has also shared other strategies that I am implementing. I have not only learned what to do from Richard, but more importantly, I have learned what NOT to do.
It’s likely you are like I was, an attorney who continued to do the same things over and over, insanely expecting different results. Like me, you might not be ready to hear Richard’s teachings. I have some sad news for you, the longer you continue trial and error, and continue to burn through marketing dollars without a plan, the longer you are putting off the kind of success you can have when you begin focusing on the right things.
What I want to say to you is this: When WILL you be ready? Will it take staring age 70 in the face as you continue to work because when you quit working, your practice will quit working FOR you?
If you want to have a law firm that works for you rather than against you, I urge you to shake the doubt off and give Richard James a listen. It still isn’t easy—running a law firm IS hard work–but it IS simple. When you sign on to work with Richard, you can have the confidence in knowing that those who have followed his teaching are seeing results, the kind of results you are looking for.
“Working with Richard, I went from not having a plan to run my law firm to having the goal to retire when I’m age 60,” Howard says.
Richard is teaching me to establish a law firm that operates with systems. I hire and train the staff that runs the systems—it is becoming the autonomous law firm we all have dreamed about! Thanks to Rich, I am putting that in place right now.”
Because of Richard James, I am confident that I will get to my goal:
Retirement by age 60.
Despite not being ready to hear Richard’s message years ago when I first met him, today, the light turned on and I am starting to put things together.
Richard has shared the information I need to be a sole practitioner AND run my practice like a business. The more I put in place that he shares with me, the closer I am moving toward a law practice that will eventually run like a top when I am there and when I am not.
I have my goals, my plan to achieve them and a group of brilliant colleagues to help me stay the course. Thanks to Richard James and his mastermind program for entrepreneurial attorneys, I have the blueprint for the business I am building.
Richard James
As a result of his track record for achieving what most describe as “phenomenal” growth rates for his clients, Richard James, CEO of Automated Business Results, LLC, is quickly gaining a national reputation as “the Legal Systems Expert.” His secret to success is simple. Richard has devised a seven step system for designing and implementing automated marketing systems that grow your business FAST. If you’re looking to develop a practice that supports your lifestyle rather than completely undermining it, call Richard James today.