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Category : A View From The Top

What’s next you say? Not so fast…

Jul 16, 2015

When your business systems are fixed and your law firm is working like the factory you knew it could be, what’s next? When you are an entrepreneurial type of business owner, you are always going to have this little “problem” of wanting to build another factory. There’s no use in pretending it ain’t so, because […]

Suffer no more. Discover relief from your law firm woes.

May 2, 2015

I have watched attorneys suffer in frustration for years. I finally figured out a formula that works to help law firm owners succeed while still maintaining a life. For the last four years, I have helped many attorneys around the country apply these principles to build several multi-million dollar law firms, and every one of […]

Higher customer lifetime value, higher profits

Apr 23, 2015

If each NEW customer is worth more money to you, you may be willing to spend more money to acquire customers. That’s a no brainer, right? To find your new customers, you may be willing to spend more and send more. When you send out more mailers to even more in your target audience, you […]

Your Law Firm: Everything is working fine until it isn’t…and then….

Mar 5, 2015

You’ve got a major decision to make in your firm. Your law firm location is in a poor spot? Your front end manager is not pulling his weight? Whatever it is, something has to be done and soon. However you frame it, as a business owner you are going to be faced with decisions and […]

Defining wealth: When your priorities are in order, riches flow

Feb 5, 2015

I recently finished the book “How to Get Rich” by Felix Dennis. Felix is the founder of Maxim Magazine and by most definitions, assuming I take what he’s said in his book as truth, very wealthy. Felix made some interesting points. He smacks you in the face right from the beginning with his definition of […]

We only have a limited allotment of time…Are you protecting yours?

Dec 18, 2014

We all are only given so many hours on this earth, and none of us knows when the end will be upon us. So, live life as if today was your last because once your gone, you’re gone. We spend countless hours acquiring and protecting our wealth, but we can’t take it with us. Why […]

Business Systems: When the student is ready…

Nov 20, 2014

…the teacher appears. Sure, when you are in business, you put the promotional information out there to attract new leads, and you call and follow up with all prospects. Eventually, you are hired by whoever acknowledges that you can help them and who ultimately agrees to pay your price. Yet, the clients who arrive on […]

Bullseye! Now that is a specific goal…

May 22, 2014

We throw the word ‘goal’ around a lot. It’s the first thing we ask someone when we learn they are beginning a new venture or starting a new diet: What’s your goal? The next thing, we hear from the person is: My goal is to retire early or My goal is to fit into my […]

Vacation Rule #6 – No running. No pushing. And no electronics near the hot tub!

May 9, 2014

There is something that sounds just a little bit out of place about setting rules for vacation. A vacation is supposed to be a let-your-hair-down-consume-drinks-with-little-paper-umbrellas kind of time. Right? So, what’s with the rules? The “rules,” for a change, are not to restrict but rather to enhance your vacation enjoyment. We’ve become a hi-tech culture. […]

Lights, camera, telephone script

Apr 20, 2014

What you say and when you say it can make all of the difference. Did you know that Gallup did a study and found while clients appreciate fast service, GREAT service characterized by workers being ‘engaging’ with clients far exceeded speed in ratings. Last month, we prepared training for our Your Staff Trained program with […]

Is management a sometimes thing for you?

Apr 14, 2014

I was working with a client who has built a very nice practice for himself. However, he seems to consistently struggle with staff turnover and lack of company morale. Upon an exit survey from a key staff member, he found a rare moment of honesty. His staff told him flat out “you have no systems […]

What chapter are you on in your firm?

Apr 8, 2014

Here’s an autobiography that I believe puts a fine tip on the point I’d like to make. Chapter 1:  I walk down the street.  There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.  I fall in. I am lost … I am helpless.  It isn’t my fault.  It takes forever to find a way out. Chapter […]

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