If your law firm is into web marketing, having a good website is very, very important. A law firm business consultant can look into your current site and help you improve it. Below, however, is a backgrounder on law firm website marketing that may help.
Create a Well-Planned Marketing Strategy
Build Your Online Presence
These days, online marketing and advertising is key to achieving your law firm's business objectives. You can build your online presence by incorporating new marketing tactics in your digital marketing plan. Technology is constantly evolving, so make sure you consistently use good marketing techniques to bring a measurable increase in inbound traffic. But don't forget that your content marketing strategy must also effectively convert web traffic into new customers.
Create a Content Marketing Strategy
Blogging and content creation would likely be part of the content marketing strategies that you are using. On top of being a source of information, they demonstrate your expertise in your area of practice. Great content jump-starts the customer experience since it allows clients to know that you really know what you are doing. Present and arrange quality content logically to rank higher in search engine results and assure clients that you will deliver throughout the entire customer journey.
Tailor Marketing Solutions to Your Law Firm Business Needs
Collect Baseline Marketing Data
When it comes to effective US law firm management, having a set baseline of conversion is important. Make sure to look at the number of unique visitors, time on page, bounce rate, conversions, and the number of people messaging through the live chat. Search engine optimization pertains to the use of keywords to increase search engine rankings. Optimizing search engine results help you increase the number of qualified new visitors to your site. And the most effective way to ensure that your web content is optimized for search results is to get a marketing agency specializing in SEO services. With the help of a trusted marketing specialist, more of your target market will be sent your way and converted to actual paying clients.
Update Your Google My Business Listing
A good marketing team also pays very close attention to Google My Business/Places/Local/Maps and reviews, in addition to increasing organic rankings for keyword searches relevant to your primary areas of practice. We should see movement in these numbers, month vs. month.
Refresh Your Law Firm Website Design
The site's design is often what determines conversion, and I would constantly be testing small things such as the color of the buttons, the placement of videos and pictures, and call-to-action features to see if we find a formula that works best. A legal systems expert offering consulting and marketing services can help you with these things.
What Makes a Good Law Firm Website?
With all that said, let me share my thoughts regarding what I would like to see on a primary website. Again, I would test all of these changes, and I’d only make one change at a time.
Professional Look that Promotes Your Branding
A good law firm web design makes efficient use of branding while still looking very modern and professional. First, test the color of your buttons and the look of the website. See if a different color increases conversion. You’d be surprised how often that simple change works. Videos often look good at the top of the page, and instructions on the buttons for the practice areas (“Click here if you’ve received a DUI,” “Click here for a …”, etc.) also usually work.
Website Page Designs that Stand Out
Take advantage of the most popular pages visited by prospects. Enhance these with photos and even videos and other marketing efforts that you are engaged in. For instance, if you feature books, make sure that the covers do not look too much alike. Make sure that they stand apart, making it apparent that multiple books can be used as resources. However, calls to action for the books might be best placed on the right top side, above the fold (the area of the screen you see first when landing on your website. Avoid limiting the call to action all the way to the bottom of the site. When we moved our CTA to the top of the page, conversion increased by 40%.
Strengthen Your Website Reputation
If you are doing one, you may opt to include featured radio podcasts, with ads for the radio show running along the side of the website (as a test). A Case Results or Client Feedback page is also usually a great idea. Grow your business through successful referrals to your target audience. Like traditional marketing, word-of-mouth can help you get more potential customers and get ahead of your competitor's firm. Testimonials, especially with names, can help build up your online reputation and credibility.
Consult a US Law Firm Management Expert
By effectively marketing online, you can become more profitable while reaching your business goals. While I believe I’m right about the above-mentioned changes, remember that it’s all about testing, testing, and then testing some more to find the right formula with all marketing activities. A good digital marketing agency can regularly update your landing pages, practice area pages, and blog posts (if you are blogging) and also review the numbers that matter.
If you wish to learn more about these things, schedule a consultation with a legal systems expert like Richard James.

Richard James
As a result of his track record for achieving what most describe as “phenomenal” growth rates for his clients, Richard James, CEO of Automated Business Results, LLC, is quickly gaining a national reputation as “the Legal Systems Expert.” His secret to success is simple. Richard has devised a seven step system for designing and implementing automated marketing systems that grow your business FAST. If you’re looking to develop a practice that supports your lifestyle rather than completely undermining it, call Richard James today.