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Tag : Management

Partnership? Ask yourself these two questions

Jul 31, 2015

While many entrepreneurial attorneys have no desire to share the captain’s seat, sometimes my clients start tossing around the idea of partnerships. Usually, something happens to prompt the discussion — such as having a longtime associate begin seeking a partnership or mulling the idea of diversifying into another business. As with any business situation, the […]

What’s next you say? Not so fast…

Jul 16, 2015

When your business systems are fixed and your law firm is working like the factory you knew it could be, what’s next? When you are an entrepreneurial type of business owner, you are always going to have this little “problem” of wanting to build another factory. There’s no use in pretending it ain’t so, because […]

Deposit your cash payments too…Every time

Apr 13, 2015

I once had a client who asked me about whether or not to deposit cash payments. They weren’t doing it. RED FLAG. In this case, a few years before, the firm had been hit with a large and unexpected tax bill in April, and it took all the cash in the bank away. They then […]

Six Ninja Steps for Better Hiring

Feb 17, 2015

Ever hire the wrong person? If you have, you probably remember the pain involved. Among the most important tasks facing business owners is hiring the right team members to assist you in building your firm. When staff personnel do not work out, it costs the business—money, time, morale and more money. That’s why I developed […]

Want to win? You gotta know the (marketing) score!

Jan 29, 2015

Which scores should you watch to win? Everyone knows I am a marketing guy with his eye on the numbers. What good is the game if you don’t know what’s winning you points and what isn’t? But exactly which scores should you be watching in your law firm each day, week, month and year? Here […]

Is your practice stale? Micromanage the client experience

Oct 23, 2014

When is the last time you looked at your practice with fresh eyes? Too often, we lose sight of the little things that really matter when it comes to making a great first impression. If you have been running your practice for a while or you are just getting started, paying attention to the little […]

Do you know how you spend your time? Really?

Sep 11, 2014

You know your kids are going to roll their eyes when you ask them to show you their homework in order that you can sign off on it. You’ll get the same kind of reaction when you announce to your employees that it’s time to do a time study. When you share with them that […]

The Top Three Reasons Law Firms are Repositioning to the Cloud

Jul 31, 2014

Cloud used to mean a white fluffy puff of vapor in the sky or something distractions did to block better judgment. But today, “cloud” has become a term we hear every day with reference to how individuals and businesses store their data and run their computer applications. The days of investing in larger hard drives […]

Is Your Staff a “Frog Boiling in the Pot?”

May 30, 2014

Are you managing your time? Or are you wasting it like a 20-year-old spends lottery winnings—in a foolhardy, uncontrolled way? Even if you have gotten control of your own time, it’s likely your staff can use some help with this. It’s also likely that you don’t have a good picture of how your staff members […]

Here’s what NOT to do…

Apr 1, 2014

When I first started working with my first bankruptcy client, he was tracking the success of his bankruptcy firm using an Excel spreadsheet and a Word document. He was entering all the transactions by hand and busily setting up formulas to add, subtract, divide and so forth. While he ended up with a usable statement […]

Are you a wallflower? Here are some tips of how to bloom!

Mar 11, 2014

Modern workplaces can make it very difficult for people who are naturally introverted to believe that they are going to be able to genuinely thrive in their work. For one thing, picking the right career in the first place is the biggest tip to achieving success at work. For introverts, this often means looking for […]

Check your drama at the door…

Sep 18, 2013

How often does your staff create distractions with an avalanche of finger-pointing and accusations? “He said” this and “she did” that and “I don’t know anything about this” are expressions that pop up. If you hear these types of phrases occasionally, it’s normal and controllable. But if these expressions occur regularly over time, you may […]

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